Youth Compassion for Humanity Uganda is a Uganda based and registered organization with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) as a company limited by guarantee – not-for-profit organization with registration no. 80020002122877. The organization works to succor the basic needs of the disadvantaged and needy communities in Uganda, principally children, youth and women.
Youth Compassion for Humanity was founded in 2017 by a Ugandan Human Rights Activist, Gesa Mike Munabi.

In December 2017, Gesa Mike Munabi, the Founder & Programme Advisor with a group of focused and outstanding young people, mostly community change agents, full of vigor, enthusiasm, love and compassion for humanity, inspired an idea for starting up a youth led organization, to be a platform of providing education, clean water, health care and economic empowerment for marginalized groups. They urged each other at their first initiation meeting, to invest in their full potential and personal abilities, and engage other young Ugandans in efforts, to save humanity, especially the vulnerable young people and women from the devastations of life i.e. conflicts, hunger, poverty, wars, ignorance and diseases

YCFH Uganda secretariat is headed by the Executive Director who works with the Board Chair – setting strategic priorities and monitoring and evaluating performance, standards, and results.
The General Assembly shall be the supreme authority of YCFH Uganda and lays down all policy guidelines of the organization, using acceptable democratic procedure.
The board is elected by the General Assembly and it constitutes of not more than seven (7) members as follows;
Four (4) are elected directly by a duly Constituted Annual General Meeting Two (2) are members appointed on technical grounds by the General Assembly upon recommendation by the Board. One (1) is nominated by the founder members of YCFH Uganda. The Executive Director is the Secretary to the Board but without voting rights.